Weed Control

Capricorn Pest Management Group engages with landholders to ensure the most cost-effective, safe and appropriate weed management strategy is implemented to address infestations.


Just five declared weeds – parthenium weed, rubber vine, prickly acacia, mesquite and parkinsonia – cost Queensland more than $50 million a year in lost production and control costs (Queensland Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry webpage, July 2012).

We all want to control weeds. Whether it is a major infestation of Parthenium, a bloom of Hymenachne or an isolated patch of Giant Rats Tail Grass, weed control costs money, takes time and requires careful management. Irresponsible use of herbicides can be costly or inadvertently kill more desirable pasture species of flora, leaving a greater problem than the original weed infestation. Capricorn Pest Management Group engages with landholders to ensure the most cost-effective, safe and appropriate weed management strategy is implemented to address infestations. Sometimes there is no better solution than use of herbicide and sometimes biological agents may be available to assist with control options. With our experience and your first-hand knowledge of the land, we devise the best strategy for the land and its resident animal and plant species.

Common forms of weed management and control;


Every weed situation is different and CPMG acknowledges that there are times when the use of  herbicides might be the most efficient solution to a weed pest infestation. The careful use of herbicides can provide a long-term solution to a pest problem.


When using herbicides, the following cautions are important;


• Always read the label on the product container and adhere to the instructions with care
It is sometimes tempting to mix a “stronger batch” of herbicide. Research suggests however that applying herbicide at other than the specified rate can lead to the development of resistance in weeds and has the potential to damage other ecosystems in the area.

• Refer to the relevant Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) where a label is not present or can’t be read. Herbicide specifications can be found at the APVMA website

Biological Controls

Biological controls agents (bugs, rust, fungi) are available for certain weed species. Their impact is directed specifically at the host weed and has less potential to adversely affect other ecosystems. The Capricorn Pest Management Group has provided funding for several biological control nurseries in the region. These nurseries provide rust for parthenium control and bugs to assist in the control of salvinia.

Physical Removal

Physical control methods  include cut and paint, hand pulling, drill and fill, slashing and mowing, use of heavy machinery, scrape and paint, solarisation, foliar spray, mulching/smothering, pasture improvement/revegetation and controlled burning. Wherever possible these methods may have some benefit in the toolbox of treatment for weeds.

Integrated Weed Management

Integrated weed management uses a variety of techniques to keep weeds under control. A combination of the techniques mentioned would be desirable for management of a weed control program. Research has shown that weeds are less able to adapt to a changing system that utilises different control practices. The use of a sole practice can lead to resistance and the generation of ‘super’ weeds. An integrated approach prevents resistance build up. The overall aim of any weed control program is to maintain densities of a manageable level.


For more details of how these methods are utilized, please see our Case Studies, or refer to the DAFF website

  • Pest Management

    We specialise in pest animal management within the Capricornia Region. We aim to reduce the impact of pests using contemporary methods and innovative strategies.

  • Weed Control

    Capricorn Pest Management Group engages with landholders to ensure the most cost-effective, safe and appropriate weed management strategy is implemented to address infestations.

  • Washdown Facilities

    CPMG has a number of washdown facilities located throughout Capricornia. This is an important tool used to assist with managing the spread of weeds.